Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Slice of Life Day 9


"May I decorate the cake?" said Piper to Lydia.
"I guess," said Lydia, "but don't make it ugly."
"I'll try not to." Piper said sarcastically and went into the forest.
"I think I'll put some jumble berries on it." Piper said to herself, "Oh, and some Elf leaves, they're so pretty and I know Lydia will like them because she is an elf. But wait, these elf leaves aren't very pretty. They are all brown, maybe I have the wrong one. No, these are definitely the elf trees so that means.........LYDIA!"
Piper screamed and ran back to the cave.

"They're coming! We have to leave!"

"What are you talking about, Piper? Who's coming?"

"The elf trees are dying!" Piper said frantically.

"What! That can't be! Prove it!" Lydia was worried.

"Here." Piper pulled a dead leaf out of her bag and showed it to Lydia.

"You're right, we have to leave, but how did you know that an elf tree is dying?
Only an elf can see when one of our trees is dying."

"I know. I know. I"ll tell you later. We have to go."

Piper grabbed Lydia and their packs and they ran from the cave.


  1. I see a part two to this story! I'm hooked!

  2. Hopefully, I can get her to continue!
    P.S. Jaimee wants you to know she loves your name, Lennye!
    How do you say it?

  3. You have talent girl:) I want to hear more too!
    Love you,
