Thursday, March 11, 2010

Slice of Life Day 11

SLICE OF LIFE DAY 11 by Jaimee.

You won't believe what I am about to tell you. Yesterday we saw a skunk! I never saw a skunk before in my life. I know it's shocking, but worst of all, it might have had rabies!
We did some research and found out that if a skunk comes out in the middle of the day and comes up to you without hesitation, it might have rabies.

We pounded on the windows really hard and it still came close to the house. It was exciting and funny to watch it, but the really funny thing was watching my mom pound on the windows. I thought they would break!

Our dog, Scholar, had just gotten his rabies shot, but we still didn't want him to tangle with the skunk. Last summer, he got sprayed and he was stinky!

When the skunk finally left our yard, it went into our neighbor's backyard, and then out into the graveyard. I forgot to mention that our backyard is on a graveyard, but we have a fence separating us from it. Anyway, we think that the skunk might have been a pregnant female looking for a place to have her babies.

So, what do you think? Does it have rabies, is it pregnant, or is it just a skunk?


  1. Wow! You had a skunk in your yard! How interesting and funny! Yeah one time I got to pet a tame skunk.We went in to a little gift shop in the UP, and the lady behind the desk had a pet skunk! It was very cool to pet it! and the skunk was SO soft! BYE!

    In Christ

  2. I think your dad should shoot it!

  3. I think it dose look a little pregnant.
    I dont think it has rabies.
