Monday, March 1, 2010

Slice of Life Day 1

Jane's Slice of Life Day 1

I am learning the words and abbreviations of crochet. There is a learning curve, and for me, it has been a steep climb up the hill of crochet terms. Like Anna Czerwinska, the oldest person to climb Mt. Everest, I have, in my old age, embarked on a journey up the mountain of crochet.

sk skip

sp space

yo yarn over

sl slip stitch

ch chain stitch

sc single crochet

dc double crochet

tr treble crochet

trc triple crochet

hdc half double crochet

pat st pattern stitch

Translating these abbreviations with a colorful ball of yarn and a number 4 steel crochet hook into a scarf to wrap around my neck is an incredible achievement for me. The air is bitingly cold as I plant my flag at the top of the terms, but I don’t mind, because soon I’ll have my scarf to keep me warm.

Jaimee's Slice of life Day 1

I love Lucky Charms.
I love the green clovers, the pink balloons, the magic rainbow, the swirly hearts, the shooting stars and the blue moons, but I don't like the cereal. I know a lot of people who love Lucky Charms too, and everyone has their own way of eating them. Some people eat the charms first and some eat them last. Some eat them normally and take whatever is on their spoon. I am in the second category. I eat the charms last. Can you imagine having a spoonful of charms exploding with sugary awesomeness in each bite? It is delicious! My favorite part in Lucky Charms is, well, the charms!


  1. Knitting and crocheting... I can't do either one, but someday will learn!

  2. Mom used to do that with her needles.

  3. (To: Jaimee) I like eating the charms last when we have lucky Charms. unfortunately we don't get sugar cereal very much.
    miss you
