Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Slice of Life Day 2

Scholar, my dog, is one of my best friends. I am the last born of six siblings way older than me, but I have Scholar to entertain me. I like going outside with him but the best is playing Hide and Seek. I know you are thinking, 'How can she play hide and seek with a dog?' Well, here's how it's done in three simple steps.

1. Get your dog really riled up so he'll follow you around.
2. Pretend to run to the door. When he gets in front of you by the door, that's when you make a break for it and find a hiding spot and wait.
3. Make little noises so he knows where you are. When he gets close, don't make noise and he'll walk away. Make noise again and he should probably find you.
If not, start over! ;)

And that's how you play Hide and Seek with a dog.

Generalized Reciprocity is the formal way of defining informal giving.

In other words, Doing good for others to repay a good that was done for you.

This system of “Pay It Forward” was mentioned in a post on FB

and it inspired me to make gifts for people. My personal criteria for these gifts

were that they had to be useful and also, fit in a business sized envelope.

My gift of choice was bookmarks and this is how I did it.

  1. Cut two 3” x 9” rectangles from canvas. Keep them together.
  2. Choose a scrap of fabric that has fusible webbing on the back.
  3. Iron the scrap onto one of the pieces.
  4. Free motion sew a design with a sewing machine.
  5. Use a gel pen to highlight areas of the design.
  6. Sew 1/4” around the outside edges.
  7. Fray the edges by pulling the threads.

Changing the world seems like a daunting task,

especially when using terms like generalized reciprocity,

but I know I can change my own small corner

with a gesture as simple

as Paying It Forward.


  1. I laughed at the friendship between a girl and her dog, and my heart was warmed at the sweet gift that will be received by someone unexpecting! Yay!

  2. Jamie, I love your expository writing. Have you read any of Barbara O'Conner's books? If not check out "How to Steal a Dog".

    Jane, today I was the one getting an unexpected gift, it really brightened my day. I need to do more for those around me.

  3. Seriously, I love the bookmarks. I am going to do something like this for some old unsuspecting friends that I want to love on, but they are to far away, but I can do that. I am not as talented, but it will be the thought that counts, right?
    Thanks for inspiring me,

  4. Thanks friends for commenting.
    It is such a thrill for Jaimee, and of course me, too!

    Jaimee's relationship with Scholar is indeed heart-warming, Jen.
    We will definitely check out Barbara O'Conner! THanks, Lennye.
    And Connie, you can do this! It is fast and easy and they do look really neat (actually better than the photo, if I do say so myself!)
    BTW, you and Tori should do slice of life with us again!


  5. Love the book marks so cool

  6. I just read How to Steal a dog it was really good! Thank you for telling me about it. jaimee
